Honored to have our LR Energy Team at NIT Jalandhar, sharing insights on Compressed Biogas Technology!
Mr. Zahir Kapasi, Dy. GM - CBG Projects, delivered an inspiring talk on "Revolutionizing Bioenergy: Opportunities for Biotechnology Students in the Biogas industries" along with Dr. Shikha Dahiya, Senior Research Associate, graced the occasion with her expertise and delivered a compelling talk on "Cultivating a Sustainable Future: Industrial CBG Production and Bioenergy Innovation at LR Energy “, where they had the opportunity to share insights and knowledge about the latest trends and innovations in the industrial CBG sector. It was an incredible experience for them, and we as LR Energy are grateful for the warm welcome and engaging discussions with the bright minds at NIT Jalandhar.
Here are some key takeaways from the industrial talks:
Mr. Kapasi was recognized as an Expert Speaker and conferred as Guest of Honor at the Department of Biotechnology, NIT Jalandhar.
Dr. Shikha Dahiya, too, was recognized as an Expert Speaker and Guest of Honor at NIT Jalandhar.
We're thrilled to strengthen our ties with the bright minds of NIT Jalandhar's Department of Biotechnology, building a sustainable future together.